This mural went up in the very last few days of 2016, at the fabulous Esh School of Circus Arts. I’d wanted to tackle some of their other beige walls elsewhere in the space for a while now, and this was a nice window of opportunity. The slice of wall I chose is out of the way of the action of ropes, pulleys, and shadows of same… it’s an active space. I wanted to make a departure from their existing artwork of human forms, and work with the idea of flight, and bring in an element of otherworldly magic and spirit, because all those things are what circus evokes for me.
People have been talking about wanting to work larger themselves, so while I was doing the painting, the talented Matt Em Weston came over and filmed the process. I put it up as a tutorial on Skillshare, along with a link to the original art in case people would like to try this at home.